I’ve talked about challenging, and C-PTSD on Kaiberie.com and Bi-polarbears respectively, so I thought I’d talk about ‘Crippling’ on here.
Whether I’m talking about anxiety or my headache, crippling just about covers it.
Since October, I’ve had what I can only describe at times, as a cripplingly bad headache. Which increases my anxiety to equally crippling levels.
The thing is though, it’s difficult to deal with crippling but I can’t stop doing what I do. There’s no pause on life just because it’s too difficult to continue. So, while I have a crippling headache, I still get on with things, as much as I can at least.
I’ve found, to damp down the headache is to use a mask that I like (this is an affiliate link) and I’ve looked into supplements – Riboflavin (which is B2), Co-Q10 (of all of them, I’ve found this one is the most expensive) and Magnesium. You can buy the ones that aren’t branded as migraine relief – in fact, I’ve found that it’s better to get the ones that are stock standard ones rather than the ones that are bundled for migraines.
Beyond that, I’ve found that avoiding caffeine, drinking plenty of water and trying to eat sensibly helps. The tried and true ways of dealing with it though, lying down in the dark, triptans if you have them (aspirin can also work if you don’t, as long as you can take them – always consult with your GP).
Crippling headaches, and anxiety both are things that leave me locked down in my house. But my headaches are getting less and less, as time goes by. I wish I could say the same thing about my issues with anxiety. Just last night I bolted out of the room while the rest of my class were practicing disarming moves – me? It’s a 50/50 chance that someone might try to do it to me and I either do what I was trained to do to defend myself, and twist and hip toss them (not allowed in the sport I’m in) or freeze/freak out/run. Also, not really allowed. I feel bad because I can’t train, but it’s an element of anxiety that I’ve just not gotten over. And my headaches don’t help. Despite having (technically) an antidepressant that’s now being used for nerve pain, I’m no calmer than I’ve ever been. I don’t know if I’d gotten over it a bit when I was sick, but there’s just no way to get around the way my brain is wired right now.
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