Typing a Blank

Adventures in writing after losing time and memories

The Blog

The Book

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Life, the universe and books

Life, the universe and books

I’m nearly six months into this headache, though, if I’m honest there are less ‘spike’ headaches and more mornings when I can sleep at night, or get up in the morning and I’m mostly ok. I think we’ve found the dose of Amitriptyline...
But what does a headache look like?

But what does a headache look like?

I wwill be honest and say that it’s pretty hard to guess what level of pain I’m tolerating just by the look on my face. But it can look like this: or this… Or even this. It’s all the same person, same timeline. Thursday will be 17 weeks, and my...
A sidebar into being grateful #Mondayblogs

A sidebar into being grateful #Mondayblogs

My next post was going to be about the “middle bit”. At the time of writing this, I am in week 15 of a slowly decreasing headache. So, before I keep going, I wanted to be clear about a few things.The biggest, and the subject of this post is...